Surely this building would be given Heiratage status, with the history of the building and the role it played throughout it's history.

If it were deemed to be a Heiratage site, then it would have to be saved and restored to its former glory.

I think that there are genuine grounds for a petition to have it declared a Heiratage site.

I was born in Cobh, lived most of my life in Cobh, at one time I lived in a flat on East Beach, across the road from this exceptional piece of architecture and apart from the Cathedral, I think that it is one of the nicest buildings on the coastline of Cobh.

As I live in Southampton at the moment, I can only hope that others will recognise the beauty of this old building and form a petition to have it declared a Heiratage site.

Don't let them rob you of this outstanding landmark.

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It’s a beautiful building and would be a shame to let it continue to decay. My own grandmother left for America from Cobh, as did many others. Perhaps a fundraising campaign could be initiated to restore the building in their memory, and involve those of us on the other shore.

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I am glad that someone else recognises the beauty of this site.

There should be funds available to help with the repair and restoration of this iconic building, if, it was accepted as a Heiratage Site. There is so much history to this building that should support the recognition of the building as being very important to the Heiratage of the town.

I am an elderly gentleman with a heart condition and cancer, I am not able to fight for the restoration of this beautiful building because of my present situation.

I can only voice my opinion and hope that someone else can see what is so special about this building.

In fact there are so many beautiful examples of wonderful buildings and architecture steeped in historical importance in Cobh.

I feel that Cobh should be recognised as a Heiratage site, before all these wonderful buildings are left to deteriate and are lost to the greedy fat cats that would have them knocked down and replaced with some kind of concrete, modern project, that makes money for the new owners and robs us of our memories, history and Heiratage.

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