Thanks for all the comments on this one. Hopefully will have more soon from City Council on the reasons given in the refusal. It's baffling alright, and runs contrary to the rhetoric on sustainability and support for active travel.

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This is a poor decision by CCC. Planning regulations need to allow for how lives are lived today, not conform to an imagined norm.

There are examples of unapproved storage throughout Cork City. I can think of several locations where vehicles have been left, not moving for years. Some on driveways others on the road. Many examples of unapproved bin storage in front of houses. Boats and caravans being stored on and off the road for many years, some protruding dangerously onto the footpath.

City council should review the decision and come up with a better policy.

It seems as if the only thing that differentiates this case is the bike storage is fixed to the ground. If it were mobile the current practice of CCC shows it could be parked on private property or on the road.

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Do it up to look like an Range Rover that's permanently parked in the driveway. Problem solved.

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Thank you for covering this, fantastic as always. Great to see greens making progress on this.

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One has to see the 'bike boxes' set up by the City in Cork .... never used, no charging plug .... real designer items.

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Bolt a bike wheel on either side. It's a trailer. Wait for the court order to move it 3 feet. And then for the next one to move it back.

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You can’t encourage people to turn to bikes and then allow no provision for their safekeeping. It is ridiculous that this bike box needs to be removed!

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