Tripe + Drisheen is a quality ad-free newspaper for Cork city and county - delivered by email

Tripe+Drisheen is a reader-supported local journalism publication about Cork city and county, founded and currently edited by JJ O’Donoghue. Previously, Ellie O’Byrne was edited T+D. We started publishing in February 2021 and we publish a mixture of news, features and opinion pieces.

Our motto is “slow news is good news” - we believe people in Cork deserve detailed, in-depth reporting on the issues that impact on their lives. You can read our manifesto for local news here.

We cover a wide variety of topics including environment, local politics, culture, employment, social issues and arts. We’re also keen to add new voices to Tripe+Drisheen, such as the contributors to Our Cork 2040 series.

In the digital age we are inundated with information; we publish at a slower pace, which allows us the time to write and report and give you more in-depth journalism. Cliched as it is, quality rather than quantity is what we offer.

How it works:

If you like what you read on Tripe+Drisheen, and if you want to support us, there are three things you can do:

  • You can subscribe for just €8 per month or €80 per year (or just €1.50 a week). There’s even the option to become a founding member and donate any amount you want. Tripe+Drisheen members will receive everything we publish.

  • If you can’t or don’t want to subscribe, that’s totally fine! We’ll still keep offering you as much as we are able to, free of charge, with the help of subscribers. You can still help us, by using social media to share T+D articles that you find interesting. We’re on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. And you can recommend us to others who might be interested.

Get in touch:

If you have a story that you think needs to be looked into, please get in touch and email us at

Your correspondence will be treated in the strictest of confidence and we will never reveal the identity of our sources.

The T+D logo of the old Irish half penny is by Martin O’Donoghue.

Read some of our stories:

Tripe + Drisheen
AirBnB in Cork: how big a role is it playing in the housing crisis?
Some facts: 1,548 active properties in Cork city and county are advertised on short-term letting platforms AirBnB and Vrbo today, March 31. 98% of these properties are on AirBnB 70%, 1,089 of these are entire homes that may be suited to long-term tenancies…
Read more

The story behind Tripe+Drisheen

T+D, as it’s known in shorthand, was launched during lockdown by me, JJ O’Donoghue. I had returned with my family from Japan to live in Cork in the summer of 2020, and I was underemployed and frustrated by the state of journalism, especially local journalism. I had lived in Japan since 2009, and before that in London where I trained and worked as a journalist. Along the way I have written for CNN, Al Jazeera, The Japan Times, The Irish Times and The Irish Independent. I was covering a few shifts at CorkBeo when I published the first long read, a two-part story on dereliction in Cork, which is still one of our most read stories on T+D.

JJ (back left) and Ellie (centre) with T+D contributors at the launch of our winter print edition in 2021.

Almost immediately freelance journalist Ellie O’Byrne came on board and we’ve been publishing every week since then. Ellie has written for the Examiner and the Echo in Cork, as well as The Sunday Business Post, The Irish Times and nationally. She also works in audio and podcasting, producing and presenting Green Bites, the Irish food sustainability podcast, and introducing arts podcasting to Tripe + Drisheen.

Ellie was the acting editor at Tripe + Drisheen until April 2023.

It’s a very small team and when our finances allow us we commission local journalists as well inviting people to pen op-eds. Everyone who writes for Tripe+Drisheen is paid.

Tripe + Drisheen is our attempt to find a new business model for journalism and to see what we can do to improve local journalism. We’ve been greatly supported by family and friends, and especially by our subscribers who keep the operation going.

If you would like to subscribe and join the Tripe + Drisheen community your support would be greatly welcomed.

Ideally we would like to contine to grow and be in a position to hire local journalists and provide the type of in-depth, well written journalism that we know our readers want to keep on reading.

If you wish you can also join as a founding member by clicking the button below.

Read some of our stories

Follow T+D on Twitter, on Facebook, and on Instagram.

Get in touch

If you have a story that you think needs to be looked into, please get in touch and email us at

Your correspondence will be treated in the strictest of confidence and we will never reveal the identity of our sources.

Subscribe to Tripe + Drisheen

Slow news is good news! An independent, in-depth local journalism newsletter from Cork, direct to your email inbox. Subscribe to support us and help pay for our work.


Journalist. I founded and edit Tripe + Drisheen (T+D) based in Cork, Ireland. T+D is an independent, in-depth local journalism newsletter. Contact me at
Cork-based freelance writer, interested in art, music, theatre, social issues, and social media.
Noel Sweeney is a multimedia journalist who has been reporting on the maritime, human interest and religious affairs, across local and national media since 2016.
In 2019, I published a proposal for a light rail system in Cork City, and have gone on to be a founding member of the Cork Commuter Coalition, a group advocating for better public transport in Cork City.
Cork-based photographer and filmmaker.
Oral Historian with the Cork Folklore Project, with a focus on Community Oral History Outreach. Also keen a spotter of Ordnance Survey Benchmarks.
Dr Eoin Lettice is a plant scientist at University College Cork and a leader of the Science Foundation Ireland-funded “Irish Tree Explorers Network (ITEN)”. He and his colleagues run regular tours of the internationally-accredited UCC Arboretum
Cork-based freelance journalist. Interested in telling untold stories: environment, health, food, arts, local government.
Folklorist/Oral Historian You will usually catch me with the Cork Folklore Project. I also can be found assisting UCC’s Dept of Folklore and Ethnology. But I am probably best known for standing at the back of free events with three bored children.
I'm a work experience student working with Tripe + Drisheen.
Andrew Horgan is a freelance journalist based in Cork, where he has covered both men's and women's local sports for over 10 years predominately for The Echo newspaper, but also for the Irish Examiner, RTE Sport, and Red FM.
Food and wine writer